The 3Rs of Riverbend

At Riverbend Academy, we base our expectations for student behaviour on the 3Rs: Respect for Self Regard for Others Responsibility for Your Actions However, students learn that the seeming simplicity of the 3Rs has a deeper root. Respect for Self Respect for self...

Making Success Count

If you were asked to name five successes you had today, could you do it? What about five in the past month? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Most have difficulty. However, ask for fifteen failures and there is never a problem coming up with a list. But, we can’t...

Knowledge Isn’t Enough

We have been brainwashed into believing that knowledge is the key to success – that knowledge is power. We can spend 14, 17, 20, or more years in school absorbing volumes of facts and information. There are hundreds of additional courses we can take on organization,...

The Path to Success

We have been trained over the years to picture the path to success as a fork in the road. One path leads to success and the other leads to failure. We have all seen the posters of the man standing at the crossroad. To his right is success, to his left failure. Take...