The Importance of Creating Leaders

We have never faced a time when there was a greater need for leaders. We need men and women prepared to lead our families, our communities, and our organizations. Only with strong leaders can we hope to find solutions to the challenges that face us as we move further...

A Case For Computer Programming

Why do we teach computer programming at Riverbend Academy? One of the major challenges facing students preparing for any project or major assignment is overwhelm. Too often, students are overwhelmed simply by the question of how to start the project? How do you tackle...

What We Believe a Private School Should Be

We believe in our students. We believe compassion and academics matter. We believe healthy food and physical activity ensure academic success. We believe limiting classes to 15 students and providing individualized teaching produces successful students. We believe...

The Kids Get It

On our web site and during our Open Houses and private tours, we always talk about the philosophy of tolerance and respect at Riverbend Academy. Our environment encourages our students to be who they want to be (not who their peers think they should be) provided they...