Riverbend Speaks

RLS Program #10 – Universal Laws
The R.L.S. (Real Life Skills) Program teaches our students the skills they need for a more productive, happier life full of success and enjoyment. Two types of laws govern our lives. The first type of laws are man-made. These laws can change over time or from place to...
Boosting Your Immune System
Five weeks from today, we will be back to school! We have created as safe an environment as possible by physically distancing our desks, water coolers instead of water fountains, separate supplies (pencil crayons, scissors, etc.) to name a few. We have changed how we...
Defining the Complete Child
We hear buzzwords in education all the time. One of them is educating the “Complete Child”. What does that even mean? At Riverbend, we define it by addressing seven key areas of the child’s education and well-being. Physical – We all need to move more to promote...
Google Study Discovers the Key to an Individual’s Productivity
Visiting students quickly feel comfortable in our atmosphere of Psychological Safety The modern workplace, the very workplace our students will soon be entering, has changed dramatically over the past few decades. Some studies have shown that over 75% of an employee’s...
The Big Shoe
Don’t get me wrong – I love Velcro. I use it all the time. Velcro is especially useful for those quick-change costumes for our performances. We use it on the calendar so the students can attach the month, day, and weather. The invention of Velcro even makes a great...
The Surprise Secret Solution to Success
As educators, we are often asked the “key” to success for our students. What are the most important areas of study that will translate into success in the future? Reading – Writing – Mathematics? STEM subjects? The Arts? Physical Education? Or is the search fruitless?...
Eliminating the Mallet
In his book, “Start With Why”, Simon Sinek tells a story about an American auto executive touring a car manufacturing plant in Japan. At one section of the line, where they put on the doors, the executive noticed that the workers were not using a rubber mallet to fit...

Training For Jobs That Don’t Exist
65% If your child is in school today, this is a percentage you should be keenly aware of. No, this is not the new passing grade. No, this is not the mark they need to get into university. 65% represents the percentage of students in Elementary School today who will be...
How does Riverbend Academy deal with bullying?
“I will never attend an anti-war rally; if you have a peace rally, invite me.” — Mother Teresa Bullying continues to be a huge issue in schools, work places, and even in neighbourhood gatherings. We are often asked how we deal with bullying at Riverbend...
The 3Rs of Riverbend
At Riverbend Academy, we base our expectations for student behaviour on the 3Rs: Respect for Self Regard for Others Responsibility for Your Actions However, students learn that the seeming simplicity of the 3Rs has a deeper root. Respect for Self Respect for self...