Uniforms at Riverbend Academy
All students at Riverbend Academy must wear the official uniform. It gives students a sense of pride in their school community. We believe that the uniform promotes unity and respect for the school. We also feel that the uniform levels the playing field so that students who might not be able to afford the latest fad in clothing don’t feel left out or embarrassed.
Students are required to wear the full uniform every day and parents are encouraged to assist their children to ensure that clean uniforms are available.
Dress One is the more formal uniform and is for special occasions or trips away from the school where the more formal look is required. Dress One consists of a white shirt (long or short sleeved), black pants or skirt, gold tie, red vest (with Riverbend Academy logo), black socks, and black shoes.
The Daily Uniform consists of a red golf shirt (with Riverbend Academy lettering), black pants or skirt, black socks, and black shoes.
The Gym Kit consists of a gold shirt (with Riverbend Academy lettering) and red shorts. We also have an optional sweatsuit for cooler weather.
The Aikidogi is the uniform for the mandatory Aikido classes.
For footwear, students are required to have a pair of black indoor dress shoes (as detailed above), a pair of indoor gym shoes, and appropriate footwear for outdoor gym classes/recess.